GreenStars Campus: Research Capacity Building Program

We are delighted that you have decided to advance your passion/ career in research. That’s why we are here to offer you groundbreaking skills!

  • Kigali – Classic Hotel
  • Musanze – Ruhengeri Referral Hospital Teaching Room
  • Huye
Module 1: Introduction to Research
  • Overview of research methods
  • Understanding research ethics
  • Defining research objectives and questions
Module 2: Data Collection Techniques
  • Qualitative vs. quantitative data collection
  • Ensuring data accuracy and discipline in data collection
  • Sampling strategies and understanding the target population
Module 3: Research Tools Development
  • Introduction to Excel and Word
  • Introduction to SurveyCTO/ODK, KOBO and other softwares for data collection
  • Designing surveys and questionnaires
  • Questionnaire coding and programming
Module 4: Fieldwork and Team Leadership
  • Leading and managing field teams (enumerators)
  • Learning effective collaboration and communication skills for interactions with colleagues, clients, and official entities.
  • Field or primary data collection Preparation
  • Maintaining discipline and reporting structures in the field
Module 5: Comprehensive Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling with R
  • Introduction to R: Basics of R syntax, data types, variables, and basic operations.
  • Control Structures: Learn about if statements, loops, and conditional statements for controlling program flow.
  • Functions: How to define and use functions to encapsulate reusable code.
  • Data Structures: Vectors, matrices, arrays, lists, and data frames for organizing and manipulating data.
  • Data Import and Cleaning: Techniques for importing data from various sources and cleaning/preprocessing it for analysis.
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Methods for exploring and summarizing data, including descriptive statistics and data visualization using libraries like ggplot2.
  • Statistical Modeling: Introduction to statistical modeling techniques such as linear regression, logistic regression.
  • Data Manipulation with dplyr: Using the dplyr package for data manipulation tasks like filtering, selecting, summarizing, and arranging data.
  • Machine Learning with caret: Introduction to machine learning concepts and techniques
Module 6: Comprehensive Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling with STATA
  • Overview of STATA interface
  • Loading data into STATA
  • Understanding data types and formats
  • Sorting and filtering data
  • Generating and recoding variables
  • Merging and appending datasets
  • Dealing with missing data
  • Summarizing data: mean, median, mode, standard deviation, etc.
  • Frequency distributions and histograms
  • Cross-tabulations and chi-square tests
  • Introduction to graphical representation: bar plots, box plots, etc.
  • Introduction to regression analysis: simple linear regression
  • Multiple regression analysis
  • Logistic regression for binary outcomes
  • Introduction to hypothesis testing and p-values.
  • Introduction to do-files and ado-files.
  • Automating tasks with loops and macros
  • Bringing everything together to complete a small analysis project.
  • Applying learned techniques to a real dataset
  • Presenting results and findings
Module 7: Comprehensive Data Analysis and Statistical Modeling with Python
  • Introduction to Python: Basics of Python syntax, data types, variables, and simple operations.
  • Control Flow: Learn about if statements, loops, and conditional statements to control the flow of your program.
  • Functions: How to define and use functions to encapsulate reusable code
  • Project-Based Learning: Encourage hands-on projects where beginners can apply what they’ve learned to real-world datasets or problems.
  • Data Structures: Lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets for organizing and manipulating data.
  • NumPy: Introduction to numerical computing with NumPy arrays and basic array operations.
Module 8: Data Management and data Cleaning
  • Best practices for data management
  • Techniques for data cleaning and preparation
  • Data coding and categorization
Module 9: Data Analysis using R, Excel, Python and STATA
  • Descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Regression analysis
  • Hypothesis testing
Module 10: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E)
  • Construction of Logframe matrix and theory of change
  • Specifying evaluation questions and outcome variables
  • Determine counterfactual: Control group
  • Randomized Controlled Trials
  • Internal and external validity of findings
  • Sampling and power calculations
  • Ethical considerations regarding M&E
Module 11: Report Writing and Publication
  • Conducting literature review and secondary data analysis.
  • Writing inception reports.
  • Triangulation of quantitative and qualitative findings.
  • Structuring and writing reports.
Module 1: Introduction to Qualitative Research
  • An exploration of qualitative research principles and methodologies.
Module 2: Ethics and Consent in Qualitative Research
  • A focus on ethical considerations and the importance of obtaining consent.
Module 3: Research Design and Planning
  • Strategies for designing robust qualitative studies and planning research effectively.
Module 4: Qualitative Data Collection Methods
  • Techniques for gathering rich, detailed qualitative data.
Module 5: Data Management and Analysis
  • Best practices for organizing and analyzing qualitative data using MAXQDA.
Reporting and Presenting Qualitative Findings
  • Guidance on effectively communicating qualitative research results.

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